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VanceFunder Stuff Is On The Way!!!

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Hi VanceFunders,
BaD Dog Buffet looks and sounds phenomenal. Both the publicity person and the radio guy were quite impressed with sound, packaging and the rest. Your CDs are on the way!!!
~ I just packed up the last of the premiums that I can do for now. They'll be sent out today to you by media mail if they'll let me. You should get your stuff in a week or so.... 
...except for these people: Steve G., Betsey A., Pat & Monica R., Michael G., Elizabeth B., Dan T. - you all have asked for things that will take a little longer - the iPod Shuffles loaded with songs will follow shortly, while the personally recorded songs will be a bit longer still.
~ All VanceFunder Early Digital Downloads of BaD Dog Buffet should be ready by Monday, Tuesday latest. I'll send a blast out alerting you as to how to retrieve the digital version of BaD Dog Buffet.

~ If you are the recipient of "Bring Someone, Bring A Mess Of Folks," or similar premium, please give me 24 - 48 hours before your selected show to arrange space for you. Don't just show up at the ticket window looking for me. That's just poopie.
~ I promise you that I have made some mistakes. The packaging, labeling etc. was a one-fellow operation, lots of TV Tivo'd reruns, and bleary eyes. Lemme know what I have gotten wrong and I will do all I can to make good.
~ I inadvertently left off BJ Mansuetti off of the CD thank yous. A terrible oversight on my part, as he managed the whole VanceFunder thing with spreadsheets etc. I'm hoping he'll forgive me.
~ Another thing that didn't happen was the appearance of Tom Rush. He was just flat out too busy. I ain't mad. Roy Sludge's vocal on "Out the Way We Came In" made the song into complete theatre, and I couldn't have asked for more. Just sheer joy to discover him and work with him..Thanks for trying, Tom.
~ Look at these paper products and bubble pack (above). Yessir.

~ Your faith in me was so very magnified by the packing, sealing and prepping these premiums for mailing as I saw your names go by on the packages. Friends, fans, people I don't know from Adam. I am in utter awe. 
Thank you.