7:30 PM
Vance’sMondayNiteAcousticPajamaParty #230 - I'M FAMOUS NOW
wherever you are
Website: wherever you are
When: Monday Nov 25, 7:30PM ET
Where: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWPkf1uuMfU
Who gets 10%: The Mazzoni Center, Phila. - They provide quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals served.
Order CDs or pay for this web groovery via:
PayPearl or VenMeww
VanceFunder P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02476
*PRIVATE COACHING AVAILABLE - Contact me for songwriting, performance, and voice coaching.*
**CUSTOM SONGS - Expensive, but sure, you want one about you or your family or something.**
Fri Nov 22 Nashville, TN - City Winery Nashville https://citywinery.com/nashville/events/an-evening-with-vance-gilbert-wropic
Sat Nov 23 Chattanooga, TN - Davis Wayne's https://www.facebook.com/DavisWaynes
Sun Nov 24 Atlanta, GA - Eddie's Attic https://eddiesattic.com/event/vance-gilbert-2/
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