7:30 PM
Vance’sMondayNiteAcousticPajamaParty #235 - A FEW BRITISH ISLES TUNES STUCK IN THERE
wherever you are
Website: wherever you are
When Monday, Dec 30th 7:30PM ET
Where: https://youtube.com/live/_r5yQaqplgs?feature=share
Who gets 10%: https://www.thehome.org Home For Little Wanderers - To help children and their families build permanent, positive change
http://paypal.me/vancevancevance or https://venmo.com/vancevancevance or VanceFunder P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02476
1/11 *CAMBRIDGE, MA - CLUB PASSIM 2 SHOWS* https://www.passim.org/live-music/events/vance-gilbert/ - about 10 tix left for one, 15 for the other
*PRIVATE COACHING AVAILABLE - Contact me (vance@vancegilbert.com) for songwriting, performance, and voice coaching.*
**CUSTOM SONGS - Expensive, but sure, you want one about you or your family or something.**
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