Saturday, June 14, 2025
8:00 pm
Oak Park, CA
Russ & Julie's House Concerts
Oak Park, CA
Website: Russ & Julie's House Concerts
Some of our House Concerts fill up a couple of weeks in advance, so please RSVP early. All our House Concerts begin at 8:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted. A voluntary suggested donation of $25 per person to the musicians is requested. Remember, 100% of all contributions go directly to the performers!
For more information on Russ & Julie's House Concerts,
please contact Russ & Julie at:
To RSVP, and for directions, please email:
Some of our House Concerts fill up a couple of weeks in advance, so please RSVP early. All our House Concerts begin at 8:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted. A voluntary suggested donation of $25 per person to the musicians is requested. Remember, 100% of all contributions go directly to the performers!
For more information on Russ & Julie's House Concerts,
please contact Russ & Julie at:
To RSVP, and for directions, please email:
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