Monday, September 5, 2022
7:30 pm
Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #123 - LABOUR DAY PAJAMA JAM
wherever you are
Website: wherever you are
I’ll try to come up with songs about jobs and work.
When: Monday nite 9/5, 7:30EST (doors open @7 for community hang)
Who gets 10%: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. When you give to BARCC, you support free and comprehensive services for survivors. or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not, up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week's pyjamas - I love the Brit spelling
IN PERSON SHOWS: see way below.
NEW ALBUM. Donate any amount = name on the cover. Same links above, note “VanceFunder”. Any amount over $1 works, but $1000 -plus- makes you an exec producer, name in heavy black font.
When: Monday nite 9/5, 7:30EST (doors open @7 for community hang)
Who gets 10%: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. When you give to BARCC, you support free and comprehensive services for survivors. or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not, up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week's pyjamas - I love the Brit spelling
IN PERSON SHOWS: see way below.
NEW ALBUM. Donate any amount = name on the cover. Same links above, note “VanceFunder”. Any amount over $1 works, but $1000 -plus- makes you an exec producer, name in heavy black font.
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