Vance’sMondayNiteAcousticPajamaParty #238 - MLK DAY, INAUGURATION DAY? I’LL SING BLACK THINGS
When Monday, Jan 20th 7:30PM ET
Who gets 10%: California Fire Foundation Supports firefighters and the communities they serve - you know I historically don’t go outside of my area to donate, but this... or or VanceFunder P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02476
*PRIVATE COACHING AVAILABLE - Contact me ( for songwriting, performance, and voice coaching.*
**CUSTOM SONGS - Expensive, but sure, you want one about you or your family or something.**
~ When I make an avocado and cheese sandwich, the avocado and cheese won’t stick to each other and the top of the sandwich slide all over the place. I’ve added salt for grip between them like I was making it safe to walk on or eat it open-face, but it’s not the same.
~ My neighbor and I were co-bemoaning how all politicians seem the same and how happy we are to get away sometimes. Then he’s like, “I will say this - when THIS guy says he’s going to do something by golly he does it”. I answered him "THAT’S WHAT MANY FOLKS ARE AFRAID OF!!” We still friends.
~ It’s lame when broadcasted sports that were historically on the Big Three channels are now only watchable for pay. Screw you, ESPN - I’ll go watch my pre-recorded All Creatures Great And Small.
~ Neighbor dog come up on me barking, saddle up to my leg to be scratched under the chin, I comply, he steps back, and continues to bark at me. I said something under my breath about Springfield OH, and I haven’t seem him since.
~ When I read on social media of people believing space lasers causing the wildfires or defending flat earth stuff, I go make an open face sandwich, because open face sandwiches - oxymoron as it is - allows you to have more stuff without actually looking like you’re eating 2 sandwiches plus you save bread.
~ The guy singing the Burger King commercial jingles is purposely singing sharp to keep my attention.
~ Hey U.S. Postal Service - 13 days? For bills and letters? Don’t you have trucks anymore? Even your long dead creator Ben Franklin could deliver them more quickly in-between inventing electricity and bifocals
~ Where does my recycling go?
you welcome
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