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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
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ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Wanna see Vance? Crash a few s= emi-private shows next week=2E=2E=2EHi Everyone, Tuesday, July 29th New Haven, CT Neighborhood Music School, 100 Audubon =20= Street, (I-91, Exit 3) 203-624-5189 x 17 http://neighborhoodmusicschool=2Egivezooks=2Ecom/event= s/twilight-tuesdays-2014 Twilight Tuesdays Concert Dinner/Con= cert Series to Benefit the NMS Faculty Fund Hit that link a= bove for more info=2E This is an already half sold out show put on by =20= this school that does great things for its community=2E My friend Alic= cce Annnne (of CT Folk fame) booked me here, so I know you and I both =20= will be taken care of=2E Many folks are asking me about The Voice=2E I ain't heard nothin' yet=2E I'll te= ll you what I know when I know it=2E That rounds out my Jul= y=2E Come see me=2E Buy CDs if you wanna=2E Treat each other kindly, p= articularly those that are being the worst jerk=2E They may just be ho= t is all=2E=2E=2E peace |
EVENTS:July 2014Tuesday, July 29th 7:00pmTwilight Tuesdays C= oncert - Vance Gilbert Twilight Tuesdays Concert= - Vance Gilbert New Haven CT Call 203=2E624=2E518= 9 x17 for more details August 2014<=
day, August 8th 8pm |