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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Vance Does Rahway NJ, NYC, and= The Voice!!Hi All, A few things: &nbs=
p; The Voice: They called me for an industr=
y audition - read as audition but just a hair less than the cattle-cal=
l from the street=2E Sure, I'll do it, so wish me luck on next My line-up/set so far in my mind is: 1) A Change Is Gonna Come 2) All Of Me (=
John Legend's, done to a pre recorded track=2E=2E=2Eoh no, no =20=
one else thought of that song eh?=2E=2E=2E) 3) =2E=2E=2E=
something undecided=2E=2E=2E Sure I'm =20=
taking suggestions=2E Lemme know what you think over on Facebook or here=2E=
div> In the meantime, here's where I'll=
be playing: Saturday 6/7 Rahway, NJ 1601=
Irving Street <=
div style=3D"margin:0px">http://www=2Eucpac=2Eorg<=
/a>Ra= hway, NJ This looks like a f=
un place! -------------------=
---------------------------- &nb=
sp; =
Friday 6/13 NY NY Rockwoo=
d Music Hall - Stage 3 =
196 Allen Street NEARLY FREE CDs =
!! My NY album release show=2E Just come out=2E=2E=2Ehere's the note from the booking ma=
nager of the club: Who's the best person=
to speak with about promo for Vance's upcoming show at Rockwood?=
We have just a couple of tickets sold and want to see what we can do =20=
to help move the needle=2E Thanks, &nbs=
p; Help me make this note a non-i=
ssue - make this manager wish he'd never written it, will you?&nb=
sp;Looks like I'll have Stage =20=
3 ---------------------------------------------=
Saturday, 6/=
14 Homer NY 72 South Main Street Homer, NY My second time playing here! I guess they liked me=2E Just s=
outh of Syracuse, it was a really enjoyable time!! Come see me or tell someone else to! New blog is up too, and oh I do go on about stuff=2E=2E=2E<=
/span> Best luv, |
EVENTS:June 2014=
h2>Saturday, June 7th 8=
:00pm |