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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
NYC Rockwood Reminder and Resu= lts from The VoiceHi All Y'all: You know I don't tend to drop this much mail on=
you=2E But This NY gig at The Rockwood Music Hall is, well, it's=
NY=2E And an album release=2E And just an hour=2E C'mon out and/=
or tell someone you know to do so=2E Friday 6/13 Rockwoo=
d Music Hall - Stage 3 196= Allen Street New York,= NY 212-477-4155= www=2Erockwoodmusichall=2E= com NEARLY FREE CDs=2E=2E=2EFREE IPOD SHUFFLE NY album release sho=
w!! Be #55 =20=
to stroll into the club and receive an iPod Shuffle chock full of Vanc=
e's albums=2E I'll throw CDs on the table and you c=
an pay what you want, like a badly done rummage sale=2E =
div> --------------------------------------------- Saturday, 6/14=
span> Homer NY Center for the Arts of Homer 72 South Main Street H=
omer, NY I love this plac=
e=2E This is my last gig for about 2 weeks, till I play a stretch in C=
alifornia (more of that on the site!!) so I'm bound to stretch ou=
t and do old stuff, covers, tell stories, and generally be an acoustic=
hooblebloop=2E ------------------------------------=
---------- in the meantime=2E=2E=2E=2E ~ The Voice - How Did I do??? <=
div style=3D"font-size:medium">New blog is up too, and oh I do go o=
n about stuff=2E=2E=2ESo, I think it went well=2E Get t= his=2E I signed a confidentiality agreement and can't really talk= about it!!! "Talk about what?", you ask? Right=2E Enough to say I had to sign a confident= iality agreement=2E I'm thinking you don't get to do th= at if your suckage quotient is high=2E=2E=2E I'll let =20= you know by month's end where we stand=2E=2E=2E I think=2E <= br /> Thanks for the support=2E Come see me or tell someone else to! &nb=
sp; See you or someone you know in The City=2E=2E=2E=2E =
div> |
a href=3D"https://www=2Efacebook=2Ecom/vancegilbertmusic"> EVENTS:June 2014Friday, June 13th 7:00pmRo= ckwood Music Hall - Stage 3 Rockwood Music Hall =20= - Stage 3 New York NY Call 212-477-4155 &nb= sp; for more details Saturday, June 14th 8:00pm Center for the =20= Arts of Homer Center for the Arts of Homer Homer NY Call 607-749-4900 for more details =20= more events |