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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
div> 1) Bragging - Here's a great review of BaD Dog Buffet, f=
rom across the pond, yet (didn't they invent folk music?): <=
div> 2) There should be a review in Amazon in the next few weeks as =20=
well by a writer that *loved* my show in Philly a few months back 3) Here are some noteworthy gigs: &nb=
sp; Thursday 4/24 Jacksonville, FL Mudville Music =20=
Room 3105 Beach Boulevard 904-352-7008 <=
a href=3D"http://www=2Ereverbnation=2Ecom/venue/mudvillemusicroom" tar=
get=3D"_blank">www=2Ereverbnation=2Ecom/venue/mudvillemusicroom This show starts my Florida Tour!! I've =20=
never been to Mudville=2E I hear it's great=2E I can't wait!=
! ----------------------- <=
/div> Friday 4/25/2014 St=2E Petersburg, FL Craftsman Ho=
use Gallery & Cafe 2955 Central Avenue 727-323=
-2787 This is my second Florida show=
=2E I've never been to the Craftsman House Gallery=2E I hear it=
039;s great=2E I can't wait!! --------=
--------------- Saturday 4/26/2014 Lakeland=
, FL Friends of Joe Prine Productions, Inc=2E Unit=
arian Universalist Congregation of Lakeland 3140 Troy Avenue=
863-646-1972 <=
/div> Night three of my Floridian swing=2E I adored both Joe and p=
laying for him, and I miss him=2E I've been to Lakeland Florida, =20=
but not to this venue=2E I hear it's great=2E I can't wait!!=
------------------------- =
Sunday 4/27/2014 Tampa, FL VENUE: Randy's Ma=
n Cave 4909 North River Boulevard www=2Elunazoot=2Enet Fourth and final night of my Florida fling=2E =20=
I hear=2E=2E=2Ewell, you get it=2E=2E=2E --=
----------------------- Saturday 5/3/2014 N=
orthampton MA Iron Horse Music Hall 20 Center Stre=
et Northampton, MA 413-586-8686 www=2Eiheg=2Ecom My Western MA home=2E Jordi Herold discovered =20=
me here, then he managed me=2E Shawn Colvin discovered me here, then I=
toured with her=2E Album release night here, and tix are moving brisk=
ly as we speak=2E=2E ----------------------=
--- Thursday 5/8/2014 Sykesville MD 7618 Main Street =
Sykesville, MD 410-795-1041 I love the food here, I love Joyc=
e the promoter, and it's Thursday nite=2E Does it get much better=
than that? --------------------------- Friday 5/9/2014 Port Washington, NY =
Landmark On Main Street 232 Main Street, Suite Por=
t Washington, NY BOX OFFICE/INFO:516-767-6444 Opening fo=
r Paul Reiser=2E So yeah, Paul Reiser - the humor incisive, warm, and =20=
well thought, the timing impeccable=2E Signed a book for me and was th=
e nicest guy backstage, way supportive, said he loved what I did=2E "Y=
eah we should work together more=2E=2E=2E" says he in the nicest way=2E=
Sure we should=2E So I ask my agent to get to his agent to set stuff=
up=2E I have to follow thee sky-pie things through, or what am I wort=
h, despite their post-show adrenal happy high nicety=2E &nbs=
p; Paul, through his agent, called *my* agent, raving about =20=
me, and how we indeed do have to work together=2E There really are som=
e big-star good guys out there=2E Come see me with one  =
; --------------------------- Sat=
urday 5/10/2014 Fair Lawn, NJ Hurdy Gurdy Folk Music Club at=
the Fair Lawn Community Center 10-10 20th Street =
Fair Lawn, NJ 201-384-1325 I love this place!! I haven't been h=
ere since 2008=2E I'm baaaaack=2E=2E=2E Blog and more info is here, www=2Eva=
ncegilbert=2Ecom =2E=2E=2Eand thanks so muc=
h, -Vance |
img src=3D"http://slab=2Eco/common/images/socionet/facebook_32=2Epng" =20=
/> |