Vance = 6/10 w/Paul Reiser + 6/11 South Jersey Shore + 6/17 Ann Arbor + 6/18 w/Rita Coolidge
Hi Vance Fans-
See that math in the subject line? This’ll be my 8th - 9th show with the co-star and creator of Mad About You, Paul Reiser, so I guess he likes me... His stand up stuff is legendary too, and I’m glad to be part of these evenings.
Rita Coolidge is legend too, so for her to say yes to my opening her evening at The Flying Monkey sort of completes a circle containing great music I dug when listening to pop acoustic stuff in the 70’s and saying “yeah, I want to do that”.
Gosh I feel 3/4 famous!!
Here’s June’s Gigs:
Friday June 10th - Paramount Hudson Valley, Peekskill, NY
1008 Brown Street
Saturday June 11th - The Lizzie Rose Music Room, Tuckerton, NJ
217 East Main Street
Philly folks - not a far drive for you - it’s a tiny (seats 50) bicycle shop north of Atlantic City - we got like 10 seats gone so as of a few days ago so you better get yours! Pretty historic town, hit hard by Storm Sandy so it’s a testament to its chutzpa that they’d have a tiny performance room for performers the likes of me!! Support them!!
Friday June 17th - The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI
316 South Main Street
These folks believed in me when I was first starting out and were one of the first major Midwest folk rooms to have me. I’m no bigger now than I was then, and I’m still not a great draw there, but they keep having me (they’re smart people, but what can I tell you…?)
I’d be happy with 75 - 100 folks for the evening. Can you help make that happen? Ideas?
Saturday June 18th - The Flying Monkey, Plymouth NH
39 Main st, Plymouth NH
Yes, I have a few private gigs and coaching things en route to some of these shows. I roll like that. There’s Skype too. Contact me if you think you’d like that to happen for you and yours.
Is it too lame to wish for more folks to go hear live music and world peace in the same sentence?
xo and stuff…..vance
See that math in the subject line? This’ll be my 8th - 9th show with the co-star and creator of Mad About You, Paul Reiser, so I guess he likes me... His stand up stuff is legendary too, and I’m glad to be part of these evenings.
Rita Coolidge is legend too, so for her to say yes to my opening her evening at The Flying Monkey sort of completes a circle containing great music I dug when listening to pop acoustic stuff in the 70’s and saying “yeah, I want to do that”.
Gosh I feel 3/4 famous!!
Here’s June’s Gigs:
Friday June 10th - Paramount Hudson Valley, Peekskill, NY
1008 Brown Street
Saturday June 11th - The Lizzie Rose Music Room, Tuckerton, NJ
217 East Main Street
Philly folks - not a far drive for you - it’s a tiny (seats 50) bicycle shop north of Atlantic City - we got like 10 seats gone so as of a few days ago so you better get yours! Pretty historic town, hit hard by Storm Sandy so it’s a testament to its chutzpa that they’d have a tiny performance room for performers the likes of me!! Support them!!
Friday June 17th - The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI
316 South Main Street
These folks believed in me when I was first starting out and were one of the first major Midwest folk rooms to have me. I’m no bigger now than I was then, and I’m still not a great draw there, but they keep having me (they’re smart people, but what can I tell you…?)
I’d be happy with 75 - 100 folks for the evening. Can you help make that happen? Ideas?
Saturday June 18th - The Flying Monkey, Plymouth NH
39 Main st, Plymouth NH
Yes, I have a few private gigs and coaching things en route to some of these shows. I roll like that. There’s Skype too. Contact me if you think you’d like that to happen for you and yours.
Is it too lame to wish for more folks to go hear live music and world peace in the same sentence?
xo and stuff…..vance
From »
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