6/17 Ann Arbor, 6/18 Plymouth NH (w/RITA COOLIDGE)
Recent catastrophic events are hard to ignore, and yet we will struggle and function in shadow today and tomorrow. I believe my job is to have the audacity to wave my arms around and attempt to be a part of your today so you can do your next day.
So let me be your oasis. Let a nice live Vance show be your salve. Come to one of these shows, listen some, laugh a little, and let me help you circle around so you can get some of your tomorrow back.
That’s what we do.
Friday June 17th - The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI
316 South Main Street
There will be a flock of Detroit model airplane fellows and their spouses in attendance. I seldom really mix my vocation and avocation, but come and chat with some of these fantastic fellows and get a glimpse of what I do when I’m not music-ing
Saturday June 18th - The Flying Monkey, Plymouth, NH
39 Main St.
Please come see this vocal icon, who is lovely enough to let me open this show.
Peace, I mean it…..vance
Recent catastrophic events are hard to ignore, and yet we will struggle and function in shadow today and tomorrow. I believe my job is to have the audacity to wave my arms around and attempt to be a part of your today so you can do your next day.
So let me be your oasis. Let a nice live Vance show be your salve. Come to one of these shows, listen some, laugh a little, and let me help you circle around so you can get some of your tomorrow back.
That’s what we do.
Friday June 17th - The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI
316 South Main Street
There will be a flock of Detroit model airplane fellows and their spouses in attendance. I seldom really mix my vocation and avocation, but come and chat with some of these fantastic fellows and get a glimpse of what I do when I’m not music-ing
Saturday June 18th - The Flying Monkey, Plymouth, NH
39 Main St.
Please come see this vocal icon, who is lovely enough to let me open this show.
Peace, I mean it…..vance
- VanccceFaaans! Oct. 8 Passim, Paul Reiser, Milk Carton Kids openers
- Club Passim Oct 8th 26 days away + Other Awesome Shows near you, I Promise.
- Welcome New Falcon Ridge Folk Fest VFans and fill in the (touring) blanks
- A Vance Message From A Lawnchair ... 2MD, 1 Western MA
- Vance be all up in Ontario, Maryland twice, then Western Mass
- 6/17 Ann Arbor, 6/18 Plymouth NH (w/RITA COOLIDGE)
- Vance = 6/10 w/Paul Reiser + 6/11 South Jersey Shore + 6/17 Ann Arbor + 6/18 w/Rita Coolidge
- Vance in MA, NY, NJ, MI...
- Vance - circling back thru Husdon Valley and Philly area, and Other Stuff!!
- Friday 5/13 Iron Horse Music Hall, Northampton - Vance - and there's more
- Northampton Show Added to MA, Subdudes, Philly Area again, and Pete Seeger's Coffeehouse
- April: Come to Philadelphia's Tin Angel - then me with The Subdudes