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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Club Passim Cambridge 5/3 and =20= a Road Blog of Joy
And here's where I=
039;ll be with a whole box of them: Friday, 10am<= /span> live on WUMB 91=2E9 FM (http://www=2Ewumb=2Eorg/home/in= dex=2Ephp) to su=
pport: &=
nbsp; Sun =20=
5/3 Cambridge MA CLUB PASSIM ALBUM RELEASE SHOW(s?) http://www=2E=
clubpassim=2Ecom Gimm=
ie a couple of days to get them up on my website www=2Evancegilbert=2Ecom,=
iTunes, CD Baby, etc=2E You'll be able to download it digitally =20=
too=2E &=
nbsp; Funders who reques=
ted CDs, I am packing yours up as we speak… ——————&m=
dash;———————— Here was my weekend on the road=2E=
I'm gonna tell you everything=2E It's long, I hope you don=
't mind=2E=2E You ha=
ve to understand that as management for Vance Gilbert Music, I fuss an=
d obsess over what the number of presale tickets are and such=2E It=
39;s part of my job=2E Someone has to care about it, trends, numbers, =20=
and all what they are=2E I'm artist, road manager, promoter, publ=
icist, co-social media manager, accountant, co-booking agent all rolle=
d into one=2E So it falls on me=2E Stop telling me not to worry=2E So Friday I =20=
was driving to The Avalon Theatre in Easton MD listening to a biograph=
y of Albert Einstein - don't ask, I just love biographies of phys=
icists - and once I'm in range, like Bridgeport, I switch o=
n WFUV=2E Now, they're an acoustic, AAA, Americana, indie rock ki=
nda station, and I'm expecting the usual Flatlanders, Van Morriso=
n, St=2E Vincent, Lucinda Williams etc=2E I'm listening and just =20=
cruising in a preoccupied fashion, hand wringing just a bit over the 1=
5 pre-sale tickets at the Avalon=2E So when Dennis Elsas played Do it =20=
by Tuxedo - a 70's-vibe-driven dance tune (big hearted vide=
o here: https://www=2Eyoutube=2Ecom/watch?v=3DQ-gcfQhR_9c), I nearly stopped the car in the middle of the Merritt Parkway to g=
et out and dance=2E Suddenly this road trip was looking up=2E So I come back with my Chinese fo=
od to the Avalon and slowly that 15 resale turns into about 40 in a ro=
om that seats 60=2E And I put on a killer show=2E I play old Vance tun=
es by request that I forgot that I remembered=2E As I was getting out =20=
of the orange shoes, most folks had left save for this one group of fo=
ur=2E Two of them were older - 70's, and the grandmotherly woman =20=
of that pair asked me "So, what kind of guitar is that" Thank God I la=
id all pretention aside and explained what the guitar was=2E Thank goo=
dness I gave the the guitar to strum=2E This woman, who's name es=
capes me, Travis picked and sung through the finest 3 country folk tun=
es I've heard in ages=2E I'm standing there agape with orang=
e shoes in my hand=2E I love gifts like that=2E Then the next morn I'm driving 4 hours to Park Ridge NJ to th=
e Acoustic Cafe in the Our Lady Of Mercy gymnasium to a pre-sale of 11=
people=2E Eleven=2E=
11=2E Now, to the=
credit of all that put this show on, with a few chairs and lighting B=
arbara Roehrer and her staff make this place feel delightfully intimat=
e with great sound, full-court basketball hoops and all=2E Annika Scil=
lipote, friend and 17 year old wunderkind (Patty Griffin meets John Ma=
yer meets Shawn Colvin) is to open the show=2E I love this child=2E Li=
ke a daughter/niece to me=2E We have stuff to play on iTunes for each =20=
other, so we head to my van and plug our phones into my car stereo=2E =20=
First I pull up is the Tuxedo tune, and we're bopping to it, tryi=
ng to figure if the bass line is a keyboard or an electric bass put th=
ough a phase, and it is 'loud' in this car, and this older w=
hite lady pulls up next to us to go to evening services in the main ha=
ll=2E She sees this big, old, hairy black man with a 17 year old white=
girl in a car head-bopping listening to this funkiest of tunes, and h=
er eyes pop, she averts her head away from us, and runs, and I mean ru=
ns into the church=2E Annika and I just die laughing=2E I am so certai=
n we got prayed for that evening=2E 70 people show up to this shindig, and it was wondro=
us and magical to watch Annika simply blow me off of the stage (and I =20=
put on a great set)=2E Let's be for real, my audience that night =20=
averaged 50 years old, and her young-love, angst-heavy set of tunes ma=
y not be the de rigeur menu for this crowd, but watching them get her =20=
absolute mastery of songcraft, her flawless singing, and her disbeliev=
veabblebly (yeah, I made that up) playing had people actually hooting =20=
- hooting I tell you - at the end of her set=2E I'm so honored to=
coach her a little bit now=2E She won't be in the auspices of th=
is folk scene for long=2E She's winning scholarships to schools a=
nd song contests all over=2E Hell, I hope she remembers my old, toothl=
ess ass when I need a gig in the future=2E Think Bonnie Raitt re-disco=
vering Sippie Wallace? Th=
en there was the 4 hour drive home=2E A little Einstein, a little Tuxe=
do, with some Richard Thompson thrown in=2E But yeah, feeling pretty s=
ecure that acoustic music is in good hands=2E And I'm doing some =20=
little part to pay it forward=2E 8 hours later I'm flying into Chicago to open for Tuck an=
d Patti at S=2EP=2EA=2EC=2EE=2E in Evanston, IL=2E Now this will=
be a mix of the old and the new=2E Old is that I toured with Tuck and=
Patti in the early 90's=2E I used to refer to myself as the "and=
", or as their son…They were so kind to me then, dragging me ev=
erywhere they were playing=2E New is S=2EP=2EA=2EC=2EE=2E, a place I=
039;ve desperately wanted to play, but somehow I couldn't get hir=
ed=2E It was a whimsical e-mail back and forth with Patti where I ment=
ioned how fun it'd be to open their show there cause "hell, the a=
irline ticket would be cheap and I'd get to see you after 20-odd =20=
years=2E=2E"=2E I wasn't certain what the management thought of w=
hat I do, but hell, I have students of mine headlining there=2E=2E So =20=
here's my two-bird stone opportunity=2E The club is gorgeous, the green room and dressing =20=
room are the best ever in the history of me doing music, everyone ther=
e is utterly wonderful to me=2E Yes, it's important=2E I'm i=
n the business of getting people to like me=2E Talking with T&P was like we had been=
in touch but a week before, when in actually I hadn't seen them =20=
in 23 years=2E Patti laid me out for being such a worrier on Facebook =20=
and also described their more recent paradigm of self-management and p=
romotion, which so very mirrored mine=2E That made me feel better, kno=
wing I wasn't alone in the trials and tribulations of time manage=
ment, old and new audience, and just friggin staying relevant=2E =
/div> I had a brussels sprout =20=
and kale salad to die for=2E And I proceeded to put on one of the best=
sets of my life: Goodbye=
Pluto God Bless Everyon=
e Boy On A Train (?) Pie and Whiskey Unfamiliar Moon My Bad (with Aaron Neville story intro)&nbs=
p; Old White Men I noticed that as I left the stage I =20=
was staring directly into faces that were maybe a little awestruck, de=
finitely happy=2E I realized I was staring directly into most of=
these faces because 2/3rds of the room was on their feet=2E So I'm signing CDs and =20=
such, up walks Ellis Paul and Radoslav Lorkovic=2E They'd missed =20=
my show, but were gonna stay to see T&P=2E Yay! Buds=2E Tuck and Patti=2E The Civil W=
ars=2E Hall & Oates=2E Simon and Garfunkel=2E Trout Fishing In Ame=
rica=2E Seals & Crofts=2E Jackie and Roy=2E The Story=2E Yeah, thi=
s would be a fine way to describe the beginning of a list of some of t=
he greatest duos of all time=2E And Tuck…=2Ewell "one of the gr=
eatest, most innovative guitarists ever" has gotten bandied about quit=
e a bit in th last three decades=2E But when he took the mic from Patt=
i during the set and proclaimed my set "perfect" and a "musical inspir=
ation to him", I just kinda lost it=2E Just ask Henry and Jenny, fathe=
r and daughter friends that drove to see me 2 1/2 hours from Oshkosh=2E=
Then Patti told the swe=
etest story form the stage=2E I paraphrase: "So Vance is the reason I could only stay in=
my high heels for two songs=2E I have an allotted "high heel time", a=
nd I have them on just minutes before I hit the stage=2E But I have be=
en in the back of this room for the last 40 minutes in these things be=
cause I just couldn't stop listening to his set=2E And these heel=
s are over 3 inches high, so I guess I'm one of those women you j=
ust can't trust…=2E" …=2EPatti is quoting the middle of my song Old Whit=
e Men in the middle end of her set=2E Good God=2E I sell more CDs than any opener there ev=
er=2E The house tips me an extra $50 on my payment=2E Win=2E Win=2E Wi=
n=2E I think I'll be back=2E The next early afternoon I head to my gate at Chicago M=
idway to fly home, and I hear over my shoulder "Well, we could just ge=
t more coffee or just go hang with Vance Gilbert at whatever gate he=
039;s heading out of=2E" There stands Natalia Zuckerman, Trina Hamlin,=
and Susan Werner, just coming home from a band road trip through Nebr=
aska=2E More beautiful, talented, road warriors you'll never know=
=2E And good friends all=2E So, I'm stuffing envelopes with the new CD and a smile t=
oday=2E For those that worry about why i worry, know this - I'm m=
ost at peace when I'm working steady, in front of reasonable size=
d crowds, moving some hearts and minds, paying just a little off this =20=
mortgage, coming home to songs, partner, model airplane time=2E=2E=2E =20=
I get to see friends, get audited, drive, check bags, sing, play, and =20=
have just enough money left over to send to somewhere like Nepal, wher=
e peoples worries are far greater than yours or mine will ever be=2E&n=
bsp; &nb=
sp; Then I'm happy=2E=
=2E=2E xo vg |
EVENTS:May 2015Sunday, May 3rd 7:30pmClub Passim= strong> Club Passim Cambridge MA Call= 617-492-5300 for more details Sunday, May 3rd 5= :00pm Club Passim Club Passim Cambridge MA Call 617-492-5300 for more details = span> June 2015Friday, June 5th 8:00p= mThe Cellar Stage at Faith Community United Methodist The Cellar Stage at Faith Community United Methodi= st Baltimore MD Call 443-540-0226 for more details= Saturday, June 13th 8:00pm The Ben= nington Center for the Arts The Bennington Cente= r for the Arts Bennington VT Call 802-442-7= 158 for more details = July 2015Saturday, July 4th TBANew Bedford Folk Fest= ival New Bedford Folk Festival Ne= w Bedford MA Call 508-673-8523 for more details =20= more events |