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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Vance Does NJ, VA, Your House =20= (in PJs!), & Texas!!Hi VanceFans!! I'm sure I've missed someone=2E Is it you? Well, maybe y=
ou ain't sent nothin' yet? ;-) No hurry, as I won'=
;t be starting artwork for another 2 weeks or so=2E OK, maybe hur=
ry a little if you want your name on the CD… OK, teaser, Thursday I record=
The Nearness Of You and I'm Beginning To See The LightI have =20= about 5 - 7 of the tunes done=2E I sound great, I swear=2E = ~ Last Saturday's Show - Now a shoutout to tho= se that came to the Bull Run in Shirley last Saturday night=2E My than= k you treatise can be read here:ht= tps://www=2Efacebook=2Ecom/vancegilbertsongs/posts/10204409685977105= a> ~ Boxes of BaD Dogs - I am sore from stackin= g the third pressing of BaD Dog Buffet in the basement=2E Third pressi= ng=2E Yeah, I give some away, but third pressing is pretty cool=2E= =2E=2E ~ SNHPs ( Short Notice&nb= sp;House Parties - write vance@vancegilbert=2Ecom ) are still available=2E&nbs=
p;Holler for details ~ Coaching - I am still a= vailable for Skype or in person performance, voice, and songwriting co= aching=2E Wednesdays, the main day for *school* tend to be =20= full, but there's occasionally a space or two=2E Thursdays are ki= nda open too=2E Write vance@van= cegilbert=2Ecom for info on that too=2E=2E Here= 39;s where I'm is at: …………&helli= p;……………=2E Friday, Jan 23 Morristown NJ Minstrel Acou= stic Concert Series - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship 21 Normandy= Heights Road Morristown, NJ 973-335-9489 http://www=2Efolkp= roject=2Eorg What are the chances of North Jersey folks= coming out in droves enough to pack this place? Sound off and let me =20= know - maybe I'll give away some CSs for folks who bring 4 o= r more other folks=2E=2E=2EIt's a fun setting, waaaaay folky, and= I adore it!! ………………&he= llip;……… Sunday, Jan= 25 Hampton, VA Harris Creek Acoustic 2 Edinburgh Lane Hampton, VA 757-850-1011 www=2Eharriscree= k=2Enet Kelly's livingroom rocks=2E This show is a= bout 3 seats from being sold out=2E Earlier afternoon show may be adde= d if demand is high=2E I pray she doesn't have wings at the =20= pot luck=2E I'm trying to be good… …&hel= lip;……………………=2E= Monday, Jan 26 8:30pm Your House via the WEB! Vance Gilbert's First Officia= l Concert Window Show Ever In His Pajamas https://www= =2Econcertwindow=2Ecom/179-vance-gilbert After a wild w= eekend of touring, I will settle in in front of my new Blue Snowball m= ic and deliver a show from right here in my office - in my pajama= s=2E The plaid bottoms with the aviation sweatshirt top of my choice, =20= and slippers=2E And my hair will be out=2E Prizes awarded f= or the coolest snack if you write me during the show=2E = February's Texas Run Friday Feb =20= 6th Austin TX - http://www=2Ebarkerhousecon= certs=2Ecom - I love Paul!! You'll love this =20= place!! Saturday Feb 7th Au= stin TX - http://w= ww=2Esycamorecreekconcerts=2Ecom/SycamoreCreekConcerts/Next_Concert=2E= html I love these people!! You'll love this place!! (Dan= g, Austin can't get enough of me apparently=2E=2Estill waiting fo= r Austin City Limits to call, however) Sunday Feb 8th New Braunfels TX - = https://www=2Efacebook=2Ecom/nbhouseconcerts I love these&hel= lip;=2Ewait…I'm sure I do, but it seems that this 3 day ja= unt makes me Mr Texas House Concert=2E It's a music store to= o! That counts as a house - don't it? Thought for the =20= day: "Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind=2E&nbs= p; "Pooh?" he whispered=2E "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand=2E&n=
bsp; "I just wanted to be sure of you=2E" &nb=
sp; (my addition to this sweet conversation below) "Let my hand go=2E I'm still mad on you for eat=
in' that last ginger cookie=2E Why you gotta be such a pig?" "Well, duh! Genetics fool! I ain't all cuddly like you and =20=
Paddington and Teddy and that damn Koala from Quantas (I kick his euca=
lyptus eatin' ass…) I happen to *be* a pig=2E=2E=2E" =
"Aiiight, man=2E Im just playin'=2E Let's get some more=
cookies and dunk them bicches in some …say holler…HUNNA=
Y!!" "Oh SNAP Pooh! You so cray-cray!! I'm all in!!" "I luh you, Man" "Me too, Bruh"=2E <=
/div> Adapted from The Urban Adventures of MC Pooh and The P-Lite,=
book to be released ?? It's a strange world out =20= there=2E Love each other=2E Come see me, I can help with that for chea= p, I swear! xovg |
EVENTS:January 2015Friday, January 23rd 8:30pm<= strong>Minstrel Acoustic Concert Series Minstre= l Acoustic Concert Series - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Morristown NJ Call 201-650-6928 for more details Sunday, January 25th 7:00pm Harris Creek Acou= stic Harris Creek Acoustic Hampto= n VA Call 757-850-1011 for more details <= a href=3D"&nl=3D20150120" class=3D"html_newsletter_menubox_a">Mo= nday, January 26th 8:30pm Vance Gilbert's First Conc= ert Window Show Ever Vance Gilbert's First =20= Concert Window Show Ever February 2015Friday, February 6th TBABarker Ho= use Concerts Barker House Concerts Austin TX Call 512-327-7618 for more details <= br /> Sycamore Creek Concerts= Sycamore Creek Concerts Dripping= Springs TX Call 512-858-4963 for more details Sunday, February 8th 5:00pm NB House C= oncerts - Music Store NB House Concerts - Music =20= Store New Braunfels TX Call 210-617-3765 for more =20= details more events<= hr /> |