testing 2014-04-22 1:10 PMHi Ebbod=
span style=3D"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">1) Bra=
gging - Here's a great review of BaD Dog Buffet, from across the =20=
pond, yet (didn't they invent folk music?):
/a> 2) There sho=
uld be a review in Amazon in the next few weeks as well by a writer th=
at *loved* my show in Philly a few months back
3) Here are some noteworthy gigs=
Thursday 4/24 Jacksonville, FL Mudville Music Room 3105 Beach Boulevard 904-352-7008 www=2Ereverbnation=2Eco=
This show starts my Florida Tour!! I've never been =20=
to Mudville=2E I hear it's great=2E I can't wait!!
Friday 4/25/2=
014 St=2E Petersburg, FL Craftsman House Gallery & Cafe<=
/span> 2955=
Central Avenue 727-323-2787 www=2Ecraftsmanhousegallery=2Ecom/events=2Ehtml
This is my second Florida show=2E=
I've never been to the Craftsman House Gallery=2E I hear it'=
;s great=2E I can't wait!!
Saturday 4/26/2014 Lakeland,=
FL =
Friends of Joe Prine Productions, Inc=2E Unitarian Universalist Congregati=
on of Lakeland 3140 Troy Avenue 863-646-1972 www=2E=
Night three of my Floridian swing=2E I adored both Joe and playing=
for him, and I miss him=2E I've been to Lakeland Florida, but no=
t to this venue=2E I hear it's great=2E I can't wait!!
Sunday =20=
4/27/2014 Tampa, FL VENUE: Randy's Man Cave 4909 North Rive=
r Boulevard www=2Elunazoot=2Enet
Fourth and final night of my Florida fling=2E=
I hear=2E=2E=2Ewell, you get it=2E=2E=2E
Saturday 5/3/2014&nbs=
p;Northampton MA Iron Horse Music Hall 20 Center Street Northampton, MA 413-586-8686 www=2Eiheg=2Ecom
My Western MA home=2E Jordi Herold discovered me h=
ere, then he managed me=2E Shawn Colvin discovered me here, then I tou=
red with her=2E Album release night here, and tix are moving briskly a=
s we speak=2E=2E
Thursday 5/8/2014 Sykesville MD Uptown Concer=
ts / Baldwins Station 7618 Main Street Sykesville, MD 410-795-1=
041 www=2Ebaldwinsstation=2Ecom
I love the food here, I love Joyce the pro=
moter, and it's Thursday nite=2E Does it get much bett=
er than that?
Friday 5/9/2014 Port Washington, NY=
Landmark O=
n Main Street 232 Main Street, Suite Port Washington, NY BOX OFFICE/INFO:516-767-6444 www=2Elandmarkonmainstreet=2Eorg=
br style=3D"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;" />Opening for=
Paul Reiser=2E So yeah, Paul Reiser - the humor incisive, warm, and w=
ell thought, the timing impeccable=2E Signed a book for me and was the=
nicest guy backstage, way supportive, said he loved what I did=2E "Ye=
ah we should work together more=2E=2E=2E" says he in the nicest way=2E=
Sure we should=2E So I ask my agent to get to his agent to set stuff =20=
up=2E I have to follow thee sky-pie things through, or what am I worth=
, despite their post-show adrenal happy high nicety=2E
Paul, through his agent,=
called *my* agent, raving about me, and how we indeed do have to work=
together=2E There really are some big-star good guys out there=2E Com=
e see me with one
Saturday 5/10/2014 Fair Lawn, NJ Hurdy Gur=
dy Folk Music Club at the Fair Lawn Community Center 10-10 20th Street
Fair La=
wn, NJ 201-384-1325 www=2Ehurdygurdyfolk=2Eorg=
I love this p=
lace!! I haven't been here since 2008=2E I'm baaaaack=2E=2E=2E=
span class=3D"aBn" data-term=3D"goog_741048762" style=3D"border-bottom=
-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dashed; border-bottom-color: rgb(204=
, 204, 204); position: relative; top: -2px; z-index: 0; font-family: a=
rial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;" tabindex=3D"0">SUNDAY MAY 18=2E Mark you calendar for =2E=2E=2E 2 home album release shows @=
Club Passim Cambridge, 5 & 7:30 tickets are moving fa=
st, even a month out!! http://www=2Ep=
Blog and more info is here, ww=
=2E=2E=2Eand thanks so much, -Vance |