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VANCE - King of the Split Bill, Opening Act, and DouBle BeneFit NigHt!!


Into the 2nd pressing of BaD Dog Buffet!! 1000 CDs goes fast!! Came to my door this AM via UPS. Thanks again all you Funders, particularly latecomer Carol Zick, who just simply paid for pressing # 2 flat out. Wow...thanks Carol

Hell, I'm ready to work with everybody famous in the next month!! Somebody give Bob Dylan my cell number so we can work out set times! Hold it a minit... Wynton Marsalis be texting - wants to make a lunch date, and here I'm in the middle of e-mailing Adele ... Willie Nelson just Facebooked me - asking me where Elvis at?...

Sunday, Mar 30 - Split bill with David Wilcox
City Winery - Chicago
1200 W. Randolph Street
Chicago, IL

David has been the golden rung for all of us that do this, and I also get to call him friend of 23 years. He was the first person to install a pick-up in my guitar...on his kitchen table. I'll tell that story from the stage. there will be bottles of wine with our faces on them available !!


Tuesday Apr 1 - opener for Sam Moore (of Sam & Dave)
City Winery - New York
155 Varick Street (betw. Spring & Vandam Street)
New York, NY

Yeah, Sam Moore. Hold on. I'm Coming. Full on R&B and I'm the opener. I'm rounded like that. Cool if I could round this out by opening for a famous comic somewhere...


Saturday Apr 5th
8pm The Nameless Coffeehouse - Cambridge MA
The Nameless Coffeehouse Presents A Tribute to Pete Seeger
benefitting the Charles River Conservancy
3 Church St., Harvard Square, Cambridge MA

I open the evening with a few songs then I dash up the street to:

Saturday Apr 5th, too
8pm Regent Theatre in Arlington, MA
The Last Waltz LIVE
An all-star re-creation of The Band's classic concert film
A benefit for Music in Common

I dash in the door just in time to open the first lines of The Weight.

Can you come to both?


Friday Apr 11 - Opener for Paul Reiser
South Orange, NJ 07079
SOPAC Box Office - 973.313.ARTS (2787)

Well, look at that - an opener for a famous comic...I'm opening for Paul Reiser (remember him? Mad About You, Diner, My Two Dads?)...


Upcoming -
4/12 Lancaster MA
4/13 Richmond VT (make-up snow date!!)
4/24 - 4/27 - Florida Tour!! (see for details)

Come see me - or send someone to do so.

Peace to you...vance