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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Ohio, Michigan, New York=2E=2E= =2EI'll Be All Up In Your Town=2E=2E=2EHi VanceFans, The VanceFunder i= s really closed now=2E Some of you crack me up, tho=2E=2E=2Ehahahaha=2E= =2E=2Eall late to the party and stuff=2E I close the Funder and a&nbs= p;bunch of late comers total another 1200 - 1300 dollars=2E That'= s my crowd=2E So appreciated - I'll be using it to pay t= he back-half of my publicity campaign=2E Thanks again=2E= Here's some upcoming shows to watch out for:<= br /> Tuesday, 3/4 Defiance Co=
llege Schomburg Series Defiance College Schomburg Auditorium<= br />701 N Clinton Street Defiance, OH 7:=
00PM 419-783-2462 http://www=2E= defiance=2Eedu/pages/schomburg=2Ehtml I'=
ll bet this will be a fun gig! All I know about this city is that it f=
eatures prominently in the first season of *Scandal* on ABC=2E I also =20=
know that I have my best friend from college and his family coming, wh=
ich includes his daughter Maria, who will scream through the first par=
t of each of her favorite songs=2E She's got CP, and it's he=
r way of singing along with Uncle Vance=2E She also designed the "than=
k you" card that went out with all the VanceFunder premiums=2E =
----------------------------- The Ark 316 South Main Street Ann Arbor, MI 734-761-1800<= div> http://www=2Etheark=2Eorg/ The Ark has been so good to me over the years=
=2E This stellar performance hall is one of my midwest homes=2E There&=
#039;l be a mess of model airplane buddies from the area attending, an=
d you could meet them=2E=2E=2ERichard Thompson will be there the two p=
revious nights, but I am a far, far cheaper ticket=2E That's a go=
od thing, right? --------------------------=
------ Friday, 3/7 Towne Crier Cafe 379 Main Street B= eacon, NY (NOTE NEW LOCATION!!) 845-855-1300 8:30 http://www=2Etownecrier=2Ecom/c= alendar=2Ehtml THIS IS THE NEW LOCAT=
ION!!!! I first opened for Aztec Two-Step and Tuck & Patti at =20=
the original Towne Crier in the early 90's, and Phil has had me b=
ack more times than either one of us want to try to remember=2E Come c=
elebrate both my album release, and the cafe's relocation - the k=
itchen is amazing, including desserts from heaven=2E Just about one ho=
ur fifteen north of "the city"=2E Come see =20=
me somewhere, and tell someone else to go see me where they are when I=
come there (whew=2E=2E=2Emouthful=2E=2E) G=
o here for the new album BaD Dog Buffet, and for more info on=
all things Vance: |