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Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #107 - I’M JUST PLAYING

No agenda but a few fun mash-ups. And I’ll sing A Change Is Gonna Come.

When: Monday nite 4/18, 7:30pm EDT.
(“doors” open at 7 for community hang)


Who gets 10%: Tufts Cummings School Of Veterinary Medicine. With good thoughts for Marley, Layla, Winnie, and our Bessie, old deserving dogs all. or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not, up to you. Let’s stay connected.

This week, pajamas = ok
I teach and coach stuff.

NEW ALBUM. Donate any amount and get your name on the cover. Same links above, note “VanceFunder”. Any amount over $1, but $1000 + makes you exec producer, name in heavy black font.



- I found 11 baseball caps under my bed. I realize that in retrieving the hats, I no longer needed to vacuum under there.

- Speaking of vacuum, vacuum has no need to use up 1/2 of the “u’s" in a Scrabble game. That’s just piggish. And no one says va-CUUME’, so it’s just dumb too.

- Speaking of piggish, let’s be clear, I don’t eat much meat. Mostly chicken, about once a week. But with Easter on the way, and us not really doing the gathering at a house thing quite yet, one of you neighbors better do your Christian alms to the poor thing and come up with some ham this weekend. You know where I live.

- Speaking of Easter, maybe it was weird to greet two Christian neighbors with a cheerful “Happy Good Friday!!” like I did this morning. They said thank you, but from the look on they's faces I guarantee neither of them families is stopping by with ham.

- Speaking of religion, it’s not often Passover and Good Friday coincide the same day, yet originally they actually were preordained to be the same day, according to Christian folks.

- Speaking of the Christian calendar, I began to question religion as a kid around this time of year when I heard of Maundy Thursday. As I kid, I was like “Monday - Thursday…y’all get back to me when you make up your mind”. Then again, you’re talking to the kid who heard that Creedence song as:

"Down On The Corner
Crowded in the street
All the White boys in the band
Playing the Negro’s happy beat”

Don’t judge me. It was 1969, a year after MLK and Bobby Kennedy had been shot, so ten-year old me was hearing racial harmony wherever he could hear it.

- Speaking of harmony, album recording is going well, but listening to first passes of stuff with perspective ugh a mess of my guitars are utter shite and need to be re-recorded. Producer, vocalist, writer, fundraiser, guitarist - that’s what I get for wearing so many hats.

- So we’re back to hats. See bullet point #1

art by Ted Berkowitz