Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #83 - THE ALBUM SO FAR, TOP TO BOTTOM
...and maybe the newest tune, if I get it written in time
When: Monday nite 11/1, 7:30pm EDT.
(“doors” open at 7 for community hang) -
Who gets 10%: - Found in Translation, located in Boston, Massachusetts, has a two-fold mission: To give low-income bilingual women an opportunity to achieve economic security through the use of their language skills. To reduce racial, ethnic, and linguistic disparities in health care by unleashing bilingual talent into the workforce or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not. Up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week’s pajamas = if you’re lucky!!
I teach and coach stuff.
Good Good Man - the CD - streaming all over, even get one from me
I’m doing some guest spotting too:
~ Ellis Paul’s HALLOWEEN BASH!
Sunday, October 31
~ Molly Pinto Madigan’s *Ballad Of Tam Lin* Rock Opera (I play The King!)
Wed, November 3rd Club Passim
I don’t recall what year it was. I know Pedro Martinez was pitching, which truly was like watching a cobra uncoil to release a fastball, rivaled in motional esthetic beauty only by a Michael Jordan's 20 footer or Evonne Goolagong’s backhand. What you don’t see in this video is me scanning the sideline crowd for a mom with at least 2 kids in tow. Lemme explain.
Some Red Sox Director Of Music People Getting Person was a Boston folk fan. I got the call and I said yes. I was given the optional opportunity to pre-record the National Anthem and lip-synch. “Pffft” I said. "I’m Vance Friggin Gilbert" (if you’ve ever wondered what the “F” stood for - ok there’s no F, but I digress...) A slap on the back and the Director said “Atta boy, I had a feeling you’d say that. Watch the echo”.
So confident cocky me standing on the side hears them announce the Jimmy Fund. I see the announcer announce, “And now, ladies and gentlemen...” I *hear*, a second and a half later “And now, ladies and gentlemen...” OMG I realize that I have to sing the next line while hearing the first lines twice - once in my head and once again in the stadium. I peed a little.
Quickly I found that mom with 2 kids. I knew whomever she’d be that she’d have tissues. They always do. Because kids have boogers, they spill, they cry, they ooze stuff for no reason. I thanked said mom, spit on the end of two tissues, jammed them into my ears and that’s what you see/hear here.
I think I did OK although they haven’t asked me back. Maybe the Red Sox hired a new RSDOMPGP. That’s ok.
I have 2 earwax-goobed tissues to prove it happened.👇ðŸ¾ðŸ‘‡ðŸ¾ðŸ‘‡ðŸ¾

From Calendar/ »
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- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #84 - I WILL MAKE FOR THE PLAYING OF SONGS
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #83 - THE ALBUM SO FAR, TOP TO BOTTOM
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #82 - MEDLEYS, MASH-UPS, MUSICAL MELANGES
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #81 - THEME? I DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ THEME!
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #80 BIG CRAZY BIRTHDAY SHOW
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #79 - MAKE IT UP AS I GO ALONG
- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #78 - SCIENCE, SCI-FI, SPACETIME SONGS