Vance’sMondayNiteAcousticPajamaParty #230 - I'M FAMOUS NOW
When: Monday Nov 25, 7:30PM ET
Who gets 10%: The Mazzoni Center, Phila. - They provide quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals served.
Order CDs or pay for this web groovery via:
PayPearl or VenMeww: or
VanceFunder P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02476
*PRIVATE COACHING AVAILABLE - Contact me for songwriting, performance, and voice coaching.*
**CUSTOM SONGS - Expensive, but sure, you want one about you or your family or something.**
Fri Nov 29, North Lansing, NY - Night Eagle Cafe
~ Yeah that’s me and my new friend George Takei. I played a tribute thing to him in Philly on Monday (after already suddenly being famous in Las Vegas), and he loved the song that I did, and now look at us. Man, I can’t shake the guy.
~ He and his husband Brad also took the train to Philly just like i did
~ The train has no seatbelts
~ The conductor’s hats are cool
~ There’s no TSA rifling through your shid worried you gonna blow shid up with your shampoo
~ I no longer need shampoo
~ There’s plenty of leg room
~ It’s kinda scenic if you don’t miss stuff going past lightning fast, sometimes even as you sit backwards.
~ You can “Bid Up” to swankier train digs online for between $55 and $78, which is almost uncancellable if you change your mind, where if you “win” you end up in the “Business Class” car which is waaaaaaay at the end of the train like long walk to it, not very different than the coach car and still as loud, made louder still by the conductor reprimanding myriads of folks that sit there at each stop that they’re in the wrong car. Plus it’s just as rickety and jiggly as coach, however there's more room to be shaken like a James Bond drink. All this for 3/4 again your original price.
~ Did you know train tracks were essential to early airlines as the pilots often found their way from city to city by following - yup, you guessed it - the train tracks?
~ Since you can bring most anything on the train I figure I could bring glue, balsa wood, knives, ten-pound axe, sanding paper, and other objet de equipage to build on one of my model planes. All the jiggling makes for a challenge, but sanding would be a breeze - just hold your subject on the paper and ride the train.
~ Did you see me and George?
~ Please don’t try contacting me through the regular channels. I’m famous now
~ Did I tell you I played Vegas?
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- Vance’sMondayNiteAcousticPajamaParty #230 - I'M FAMOUS NOW
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