Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #78 - SCIENCE, SCI-FI, SPACETIME SONGS
I will NOT play the Star Trek theme, and yes, I know it.
When: Monday nite 9/27, 7:30pm EDT.
(“doors” open at 7 for community hang) -
Who gets 10%: On Easter Sunday 1974, Rosie’s Place was founded as the first shelter for women in the country. Rosie's Place offers a safe haven for Cis and LGBTQIA+ women and overnight shelter and other services to those in need who self-identify as female.
$$: or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not. Up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week’s pajamas = probably
I teach and coach stuff.
Good Good Man - the CD - streaming all over, even get one from me
To the fan that suggested I note my top ten albums of all time - what a horrible exercise. Mine? At nearly 63 years old, IS 25+ albums long. Sure, you have yours. And I’m sure you have a mess of “But how about?” to toss my way. Thanks. Again - My list, My Why.
~ Album = assemblage of tunes, so some kudos go to producers.
~ Not necessarily a good, better, best thing. Just my taste, formative influences, and sometimes repeat play addictions
~ The first 10-15, 20 or so are however my cream top, and even that is evolving as I type.
~ I won’t flood this with links. If you’re interested you can look it up just fine.
Sweet Jesus on a JetSki here I go:
1- "Look To The Rainbow”, Al Jarreau - This was him live thru Europe in 1977. Live performance tour de force. Full body/mouth usage. The reason the brilliant Bobby McFerrin is much further down this list
2- "Miles Of Aisles”, Joni Mitchell - More live performance perfection. As you listen here with Tom Scott & L.A Express as her back-up band, you see why Herbie Hancock and Charles Mingus found what she does so compelling.
3- “AWB” Average White Band - My crowd thought it was a smoking hot Black band tongue-and-cheeking about White R&B. No one I knew knew that these guys were actually White and from Scotland. Then I saw them on The Midnight Special and it was one of many times I’d have to come face to face with my own racism.
4- “The Kenny Rankin Album”, Kenny Rankin - Done live with an orchestra, no audience. And I mean I can hear the chairs squeak live. I wanted to be him.
5- “Fathead: Ray Charles Presents David Fathead Newman”, David Newman - If you do not like or don’t really get jazz and you’re looking for a way in, this album from my childhood may be the album for you. A sextet with Brother Ray at the piano, it was landmark for me. I learned to scat many of these solos when I was 7 or 8 years old.
6- "No More To The Dance”, The Silly Sisters - OK, it was my mid-80’s Celtic phase. Thanks Marianne for introducing me to June Tabor and Maddy Prior.
7- “Those Southern Nights”, The Crusaders - This is jazz-rock.
8- “Grace In Gravity” The Story - Thanks Pookie. This album made me want to make albums with all the people you made albums with including you.
9- "Back To Black”, Amy Winehouse - This album made me never want to record again. Thanks Tom Eaton for talking me out of the tree.
10- “WalkingMan/Gorilla/In The Pocket”, James Taylor - Formative for me in college. These albums said that all kinds of music ideas can come out of a guy with a guitar. So I asked, “What is folk music?” Now look at me.
11- “Brownie Eyes” Clifford Brown, His trumpet playing was unbridled and clean, particularly on this recording, like there were rules to jazz and yes he wrote them yesterday
12- “The Dial Sessions”, Charlie Parker - duh. Use any starchart you like to try to see where Charlie Parker came from
13- “Songs In The Key Of Life”, Stevie Wonder - All sides, even the included 45, spun to death in college
14- "John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman” (eponymous) - This is male jazz singing. Ask any male jazz singer. And it was John Coltrane continuing to prove he could play ballads, even amidst the criticism that all he did otherwise was “noise”.
15- "Shawn Colvin Live”, Thanks Shawn. You must tire of hearing how after owning this album I actually wanted to be a 5’6” White woman. Thanks for taking me on the road too.
16- “Weaver Of Dreams”, Kenny Burrell - When jazz guitarists decide they should be heard singing. Thanks for lunch that day, Sir. Sorry I tricked you into thinking you heard Billie Holiday with classical guitar when you came early to that club. .
17- "Living With Ghosts”, Patty Griffin - When your solo demo becomes the album, you are that good and the bar is that high. Thanks Patty.
18- “Voodoo” D’Angelo - Groove groundbreakingly redefined for me.
19- “Impressions: The Verve Jazz Sides”, Wes Montgomery - Ballads, up-tempo, see #11 and #12 above for the planet search this jazz guitarist is from.
20- "What’s Going On”, Marvin Gaye - There’d be no #18 without it. Hell, half this list would be three-legged, June Tabor and Maddy Prior included.
21- “Southeastern”, Jason Isbell - His writing gives me terrific faith in writing. His guitar playing gives me great faith in my shopping for a tuba. Or a cowbell. Or a good book.
22- "Five Centuries Of Spanish Guitar”, Alirio Diaz - Your lowly vulgarian’s lone classical entry. Hearthands.
23- “Acoustic Classics: I, II, Rarities”, Richard Thompson - Richard stripped down to just the guitar and himself. Like he needed proof of brilliance? Remind me to tell you of my one moment of a backstage guitar lesson with this droll, funny, genius man. xo Richard
24- “Headhunters/Thrust”, Herbie Hancock - Two albums back-to-back. Part B of how jazz-rock is done.
25- “Gratitude”, Earth Wind & Fire - Live and studio tracks mixed in together, my hight school senior year soundtrack, pop, R&B, whatever you call them, it carried me thru some... *times*
Honorable Dimenttions:
A- "Painted From Memory”, Burt Bacharach & Elvis Costello. - Seriously adventurous to me, maligned by some. I love this album’s 60’s - 70’s return to Bacharach’s vibe with Elvis’ infusion
B- “Veedon Fleece”, Van Morrison - a somewhat forgotten Van album, but listen to "Linden Arden Stole The Highlights” and hear what I’ve tried to do on so many of my tunes
C- "I Am Shelby Lynne”, Shelby Lynne- Pffft...some country album. Please spin this only link and listen with my ears for Dusty Springfield, EWF, Nile Rogers, Prince, and Joni Mitchell influences on the tune “Thought It Would Be Easier”.
I can’t stop spinning it:
I love how the shaker is way off at the top few bars and how they kept it.
There’s a certain arrogance inherent in these lists like anything I’d do might be important.
Thanks for indulging me
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- Vance’sMondayNitePajamaParty #78 - SCIENCE, SCI-FI, SPACETIME SONGS