Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#39 - Song Backstory
Some tunes I’ll choose, some you can choose, and I’ll tell the where how and why the tune came to be. I’ll even play it!!
When: Monday Nite, December 14th 7:30PM EDT (“doors” open at 7 for community hang) -
Who gets 10%: Tufts Wildlife Clinic at the Cummings Veterinary Medical Center. There’s a big old treatise on their site going into far greater detail as to what they’re about, but the takeaway is this: When Deborah or neighbors find a wild animal that’s injured, someone - usually Deborah - drive the hour with whatever it is in a soft cushiony box out to North Grafton to this wildlife clinic for assessement. Outcomes vary, but they are omnipresently there for us.
$$$: or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not. It’s up to you. Let’s just stay connected.
This week’s pajamas: The old sweats in the Good Good Man video and a sweatshirt
I coach voice, songwriting, performance. Contact me. I have some open spots
Good Good Man - the CD - streaming all platforms, even get it from me…
**All my CD’s for whatever you want to pay plus postage for the Holidays. Lemme know**
1) People have been asking me what I listen to when I run, now that I am putting in somewhat (for me) more serious mileage. It’s been a recent diet of:
Elvis Costello - Hey Clockface
Richard Thompson - whatever comes up
Laura Nyro - Eli And The 13th Confession
Lamar Kendrick - To Pimp A Butterfly and DAMN.
Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
However, I admit the following with no reservation, none whatsoever, that i guess every album that I have made has been the feeblest of attempts at mimicking Joni Mitchell’s Court and Spark. My Dear God on a Go-Kart. Anyone that says “Meh. It was her being commercial” is just not as struck by the economic lyric genius and otherworldly playing on "Help Me" as I am. Speaking as a producer, when the late John Guerin “travels the kit” and hugs you with the drums to open the tune, I actually stop running. Stop dead in the middle of the street, I do. It’s as if the musicians were handed lyric sheets rather than sheet music. Bless this album, it is all I want to be.
2) Why do I have to get a crown on this tooth?
Can't it just be filled permanently then sanded down?
Why a crown?
How about a tiara?
Or a brooch?
Look, I’m 62 years old. Can I have an old one? Something someone left in a will?
3) Hey Twitter. You limit to 280 characters and leave no way to indent and start a new paragraph? Then welcome yourself to the snark of a 13 year old and the linguistics of a sea sponge.
4) Arlington MA Residents - Can you all be prepared ahead of time to not laugh out loud, Tweet about, or otherwise defame me as I run past in one of those leotard running suits, even though I am built like a bag of sweatsocks? I hate being cold. I really need to run. I really want them. Thank You.
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#40 - Christmas & SoulStitch Show
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#39 - Song Backstory
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#38 - Cold War and Teardrops
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#37 - Theme To Be Decided Later
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#36 Seldom-Played & 3 Fresh-Made
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#35 FLYING, THE SKY, AND STUFF IN IT
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#34 SONGS OF, ABOUT, BY, WOMEN
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#33 QUIET SONG NIGHT
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#32 WITH VARIOUS GUITARS
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#31 COUNTRY NITE
- Vance’sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#30 BIRTHDAY BASH
- Vance'sMondayNightAcousticPajamaParty#29 Scattered Agenda Nite