Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #110 - THE COLOR IN SONGS
Sure, Green Green Grass Of Home and Old White Men, and Black Rochelle will get played, amongst other colouredful songs.
When: Monday nite 5/9, 7:30pm EDT.
(“doors” open at 7 for community hang)
Who gets 10%: Black Economic Council Of Massachusetts - BECMA’s mission is to advance the economic well-being of Black businesses, organizations, and residents in Massachusetts through advocacy, business and leadership development, and strategic partnerships. or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not, up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week's pajamas it’s still chilly, so flannel and sweats
NEW ALBUM. Donate any amount = name on the cover. Same links above, note “VanceFunder”. Any amount over $1, but $1000 -plus- makes you exec producer, name in heavy black font.
TONITE!! Friday, May 6, 2022 Worthington, OH Six String Concerts
TAMARRAH!! Saturday, May 7, 2022 Oswego, NY Oswego Music Hall
Forgive me if my mailer seems to occasionally devolve into some sort of running obituary, but I guess that’s the price you pay with involvement in an activity that has a plethora of old artisans at its core.
I never knew Dave Acton without his oxygen tank. But his interminable good nature and humor always came to the fore when asked “How ya doing today Dave?“ Of his many answers my favorite was “Well, I woke up this morning, put my elbows out to each side, I didn’t feel any wood, and I figure I was going to have a good day.“
Thanks for that line which ended up in my song “Another Great Day Above Around” and for the amazing silver tissue you gave me many years ago.
I promise to use the good wood when I next get to work on my model planes.
Please find this book and read it, listen to it, however you do books. Do this book. Do it. This week I have made it the first ever piece of required reading for all of my music coaching clients. I’m not going to go into a big review thing of the book here, but let’s just say listening to it while driving was particularly difficult because it’s hard to stand up and cheer while doing 65 mph down the freeway.
Read this book.
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #113 - BACK FROM TEXAS EVENING OF CHILL
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #112 - THEME FREE FANDANGO
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #111 - COLOR IN SONGS PRT #2 & SONGS WITH LIQUID
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #110 - THE COLOR IN SONGS
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #109 - V PRACTICES & CHATS THE NEW ALBUM WITH YOU
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #108 - THEME? I DON’T NEED NO STEENKIN etc.
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #107 - I’M JUST PLAYING
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #106 - R&B/CELTIC LITE
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #105 - TOP OF APRIL FREESTYLE
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #104 - SONGS OF HOPE
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #103 - QUIET CALM GROOVY NIGHT
- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #102 SINGING JUST TO BE SINGING