Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #114 - BACK FROM ISLAND OFF MAINE EVENING OF CHILL
When: Monday nite 6/20, 7:30pm EST
(“doors” open at 7 for community hang)
Who gets 10%: Connecticut College
My alma mater. Really the whole reason you see me playing music. I got my biology degree there yet this place let me kinda “minor” in music - auditing classes, borrowing an upright bass for 2 years, coffeehouse, Gospel choir, and fostering an overall community of music that I became part of. Thanks CC. or or
a check to VanceFunder P.O. Box 17,
Arlington, MA 02476 for this web-groovery.
Pay or not, up to you. Let’s stay connected.
This week's pajamas; whatever’s clean...oh never mind, I don’t care about that either.
NEW ALBUM. Donate any amount = name on the cover. Same links above, note “VanceFunder”. Any amount over $1 works, but $1000 -plus- makes you exec producer, name in heavy black font.
“What kind of music do you play?” asked the older man of the couple as we all waited for our respective transports to the airport. Me - “Oh, a mixed bag of my own stuff, some jazz standards, some country...”
“Well hopefully you play something that has a melody”, chimed his wife. “We were at a pizza shop and all there was was ‘boom boom boom, blah blah, blah, boom boom boom’...” Shakes her head. Rolls her eyes.
I hope I wasn’t too bristly one I said, “Well, your parents probably said the same thing about Benny Goodman...”
“Oh, I doubt that - that music had melody.”
I smiled and said, “One of the wonderful things about music is that it’s another place where both appreciation and listening skills can steadily and readily evolve, given half a chance.”
Aren’t you proud of me? That’s about as lip-bit as I got, blood not yet trickling down my shirt. I didn’t even get a good sigh in as she turned away, when he leaned in to me, out of her earshot and said, “Actually I’m a big fan of Ray Charles and Willie Nelson”, and I replied “Yeah, I only played ‘Funny How Time Slips Away’ once this week, and I didn’t rap at all.”
He winked.
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- Vance’sMondayAcousticPajamaParty #114 - BACK FROM ISLAND OFF MAINE EVENING OF CHILL