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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
VanceFunder Premiums=2E=2E=2EW= addya Want?=2E=2E=2EZero in=2E=2E=2EComing Soon=2E=2E=2EHi VanceFunde= r Folks, I am about a week and a half from closin=
g down the major portion of the VanceFunder=2E And I remain in utter d=
isbelief in your faith in me=2E I am abo=
ut to start fulfilling the premiums=2E This oughta be a fun couple=
of days - TV blaring (except for when I am recording stuff), paper cu=
ts, lots of packing tape, envelopes, my office in tatters=2E=2E=2E Alas, to fulfill your orders, there's stuff I =20=
need to know, as PayPal didn't really document what of what =20=
you wanted in most cases, so I have to ask straight up here=2E If you donated at the level of: =
div> 1) Bring Somebody - 2 tickets to a Show - $50 donation or<=
/b> 2) Bring a Mess of Folks - 4 tickets to a show - $75 =20=
donation that'd be you, Karen A, P=
etie BG, Deidre , Karen C, Nelson, Deb C, Rosy C, Jeremy D, Frank D, L=
arry E, Tara E, Jean R, Charles R, Kim S, Randy S (I haven't list=
ened yet=2E=2E=2EI will, promise), Mary T, Karl W, Tracy Y, Scott W (s=
ee you Thursday?) <=
/div> =2E=2E=2Eso here, take my email: Contact me within like=
when I'm somewhere where you want to see me=2E Private shows may=
not be available for you to come to=2E This is for you, Mr=2E Livers, David B, Susan =20=
G, Anne S, Robert & Traci, Matt S, Jade T, David W (I have yours) =20=
and Amy W, I know, I know=2E=2E=2Esome of you have mentioned to me in =20=
passing at a show what you want written, some in this or that e-mail, =20=
some have not, so here's the formal request=2E I have a re=
am of nice 25lb paper, and a couple of nice pens=2E I'll even wri=
te in a favorite color if you like=2E Or in fountain pen, as I just bo=
ught a cool one=2E Your choice=2E Again, vance@vanc=
egilbert=2Ecom will make it so it gets done! 4) Song Lyrics From the Notebook Tier 1 - $100 =
5) Song Lyrics From the Notebook Tier 2 - $275 &=
nbsp; Michele, Chip, Kathy G, Susan S, - gimmie your first a=
nd second choices for songs, as we do have a couple double bids at the=
se levels! Ok, and if I missed you, and you=
fit one of the above categories, lemme know=2E If you have a "one of"=
kinda thing like model planes, shoes, or a iPod Nano loaded with Vanc=
e music, etc, then just hold your horses, as It's on its way s=
oon=2E Get back to me, y'all=2E an=
d thanks=2E |
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