Monday Brain Droppings
- I’m here Friday nite with Ellis Paul - 9/28 Brownfield, ME
It’ll be a side-by-side song swap. Sure, me and my best buddy use working together to get caught up on what the other is doing. Right with you sitting there. We promise fun…
- I’m about 10% in on my Vancefunder Album Funding Goal. In less than a week! Thanks Susan for becoming a new Executive Producer. That makes 3!
Details at
Or whatever you feel like via the methods below:
Paypal -
Checks to - Vancefunder P.O. Box 17 Arlington MA 02474
- Thanks to the batch of students/coachables from both The Swannanoa Gathering and from New England Songwriter’s Retreat for coming to my Sunday afternoon show in Nanuet NY. I’ve heard most of your songs, so performing with the likes of you in the audience sets the bar pretty high. We had a ball. I was on my game. Thank You.

- I stopped off at my adopted mom-and-pop’s house and took this selfie with Her-That-Makes-The-Best-Tomato-Sauce-And-Macaroni-And-Conversation-Ever. I Love You. It’s coming up on that time of year, so I miss him too, Ma. Every day. Forever and Ever. My most original, loved, and quintessential Old White Man.
- I’m doing one single solitary show in Hinsdale IL, Saturday October 13th at Acoustic Renaissance. Anyone out there need some coaching, or a private show, or anything else while I’m out there? I have Friday and Sunday open, and that will round out my trip. Lemme know asap as I’m about to book flights. Thanks.
- Denver International Airport after 9 and Asheville Airport - Is there really such a thing as Semi-TSA Pre-Kinda-Check? There’s no TSA line at all in Asheville, and Denver’s TSA sign was moved to a window where I stood for like 3 minutes like some dumbass lemming thinking it was pointing at *something*. “That’s just where we put it after 9” I was told. But Asheville will let you keep your shoes on. And in Denver you still stand in the long-ass line but they eventually let you keep your shoes on with a shrug too if you say you’re Pre-Check. I suppose it’s a novel way to weed out terrorists and keep them at bay - just confuse them with airport to airport inconsistency in protocol. $85 and you too can be vetted with propers for being a clean-sheeted All-American. Sometimes. Just not after 9.
- I know men coming forth as #MeToo people. Peace to you. I believe this doesn’t take power and solidarity away from affected women in the movement, and maybe it even says even more loudly to disbelievers how hard coming forward is. Peace and healing gents, all.
- As good a performer as I am, why was I such a blithering evangelistic idiot when asked to speak in front of a local radio control aircraft club about how I do model planes?
- Hey zippy bicyclists on the Minuteman Bikepath - that is YOUR stop sign on Mill Street where you are supposed to dismount and look both ways before you cross. I have a blinking yellow. And I have a minivan, which I am already not proud of, so don’t...
- Lovely Neighbors. Wonder where all the nice fall birds are? BELL YOUR CATS.
- Trader Joe’s. When you run out of something, why are you compelled to pull the price tag/name off of the shelf and close the ranks of the surrounding products as if the thing never existed? Repeat these three words after me- “We ran out”. No sin in that. It means it is a good product. You ran out, I’ll live. I’m then compelled to come back again. You named JOE after that great disappearer of people and things Joe Stalin, or what?
- Doesn’t that pic from my car window (dead still traffic getting onto I84E from I91 North, so stop worrying...) look like some kind of folk on the road album cover?

- Doesn't that last piece of toast on my partner’s plate look like a Yorkshire Terrier?

9/28 Brownfield, ME
w/Ellis Paul!!
10/5 Peekskill, NY
opening for Paul Reiser!!
10/6 Lowell, MA
10/7 Litchfield, CT
It’ll be a side-by-side song swap. Sure, me and my best buddy use working together to get caught up on what the other is doing. Right with you sitting there. We promise fun…
- I’m about 10% in on my Vancefunder Album Funding Goal. In less than a week! Thanks Susan for becoming a new Executive Producer. That makes 3!
Details at
Or whatever you feel like via the methods below:
Paypal -
Checks to - Vancefunder P.O. Box 17 Arlington MA 02474
- Thanks to the batch of students/coachables from both The Swannanoa Gathering and from New England Songwriter’s Retreat for coming to my Sunday afternoon show in Nanuet NY. I’ve heard most of your songs, so performing with the likes of you in the audience sets the bar pretty high. We had a ball. I was on my game. Thank You.

- I stopped off at my adopted mom-and-pop’s house and took this selfie with Her-That-Makes-The-Best-Tomato-Sauce-And-Macaroni-And-Conversation-Ever. I Love You. It’s coming up on that time of year, so I miss him too, Ma. Every day. Forever and Ever. My most original, loved, and quintessential Old White Man.
- I’m doing one single solitary show in Hinsdale IL, Saturday October 13th at Acoustic Renaissance. Anyone out there need some coaching, or a private show, or anything else while I’m out there? I have Friday and Sunday open, and that will round out my trip. Lemme know asap as I’m about to book flights. Thanks.
- Denver International Airport after 9 and Asheville Airport - Is there really such a thing as Semi-TSA Pre-Kinda-Check? There’s no TSA line at all in Asheville, and Denver’s TSA sign was moved to a window where I stood for like 3 minutes like some dumbass lemming thinking it was pointing at *something*. “That’s just where we put it after 9” I was told. But Asheville will let you keep your shoes on. And in Denver you still stand in the long-ass line but they eventually let you keep your shoes on with a shrug too if you say you’re Pre-Check. I suppose it’s a novel way to weed out terrorists and keep them at bay - just confuse them with airport to airport inconsistency in protocol. $85 and you too can be vetted with propers for being a clean-sheeted All-American. Sometimes. Just not after 9.
- I know men coming forth as #MeToo people. Peace to you. I believe this doesn’t take power and solidarity away from affected women in the movement, and maybe it even says even more loudly to disbelievers how hard coming forward is. Peace and healing gents, all.
- As good a performer as I am, why was I such a blithering evangelistic idiot when asked to speak in front of a local radio control aircraft club about how I do model planes?
- Hey zippy bicyclists on the Minuteman Bikepath - that is YOUR stop sign on Mill Street where you are supposed to dismount and look both ways before you cross. I have a blinking yellow. And I have a minivan, which I am already not proud of, so don’t...
- Lovely Neighbors. Wonder where all the nice fall birds are? BELL YOUR CATS.
- Trader Joe’s. When you run out of something, why are you compelled to pull the price tag/name off of the shelf and close the ranks of the surrounding products as if the thing never existed? Repeat these three words after me- “We ran out”. No sin in that. It means it is a good product. You ran out, I’ll live. I’m then compelled to come back again. You named JOE after that great disappearer of people and things Joe Stalin, or what?
- Doesn’t that pic from my car window (dead still traffic getting onto I84E from I91 North, so stop worrying...) look like some kind of folk on the road album cover?

- Doesn't that last piece of toast on my partner’s plate look like a Yorkshire Terrier?

9/28 Brownfield, ME
w/Ellis Paul!!
10/5 Peekskill, NY
opening for Paul Reiser!!
10/6 Lowell, MA
10/7 Litchfield, CT
- Vance! - ChicagoLand, Carolinas, Texas, Oklahoma...and a sweet story
- Vance's Birthday Stuff, Album $$ Begging Stuff, Shows and Stuff.
- Monday Brain Droppings
- Shows in ME, CT, MA, NY, and Info on Vance's New Album!!
- Philly, Asheville, Aaron Neville, and I wrote stuff...
- Come see me in Northampton MA, Philly, Asheville NC (Hi Swannanoa folks!!), and in Shirley MA
- What Do Bad Masonry, Hillsdale NY, Northampton MA, Philly, and Aaron Neville have in common...?
- Vance Transitions at Iron Horse and Falcon Ridge - film at eleven
- ABC's - Arlo's Church Show, Berklee Story, and other Cool Vance Stuff
- Vance Gilbert's BubbleTip Shoes and Touring News
- Vance Gilbert's BubbleTip Shoes and Touring News
- From Mole People to Maryland and Virginia