Vance = Concert Window, Florida, Passim, MD, NY
Hi VanceFanFriends -
Tomorrow nite I do Concert Window
12/18 - 8pm Concert Window Show Live from my & your
house!!!! Tune in at 8
Then these happen:
12/20 - St. Augustine, FL -
12/21 - Tampa, FL -
1/4 - Cambridge, MA CLUB PASSIM
1/5 - Centerport, NY. w/GUY DAVIS
1/11 - Timonium, MD[7] w/CHRISTINE LAVIN
1/12 - Richmond, VA
Then look at this video of Herb Gardner - yes, of Red Molly’s Abbie Gardner’s paternal parentage, working out a part on Cousin Shelly’s Station Wagon in the studio.
Murdered it. All I could have wanted. Why, hell yes, he played trombone too! Frankly, I worked him silly. When I asked part way through the session if he was dong OK he says “...this is what keeps me alive…”
He’s 80. I adore this man...
His trombone parts on two of the songs were straight J.J. Johnson style solo blowing and a little call/response - you can guess on which tunes - Zombie Pattycake of course, and on Another Good Day Above Ground, where it’s Chris Smither playing guitar!!!
Then on a whim I had him play a funk line on Trust - like a Tower Of Power repeated line thing. It was fast and kinda hot, and I figured I’d edit it down in the time we had left so it wasn't quite such a challenge. My stupid ageist - but I’d rather say protective - ass…he killed it, DOUBLED the line in one pass, and then rearranged my idea so that the line double repeated at the end of the tune.
Some friggin folk album. It’s starting in places to sound like… Earth Wind & Seeger.
Kool & The Guthrie.
Peter, Paul, Mary, Rufus & Chaka Khan.
Parliament Folkadelic
Above Average Somewhat Acoustic Mostly White Band
I could go on…
Still the donor door is open: for PayPal
Vancefunder, P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02474
That’s what’s happening to your money, VanceFunder Donators...Sorry.
Ok, Not really sorry.
ps - Herb may join me at Club Passim 1/4/19 for the evening - seriously...who wouldn't want Goodbye Pluto on trombone??
Tomorrow nite I do Concert Window
12/18 - 8pm Concert Window Show Live from my & your
house!!!! Tune in at 8
Then these happen:
12/20 - St. Augustine, FL -
12/21 - Tampa, FL -
1/4 - Cambridge, MA CLUB PASSIM
1/5 - Centerport, NY. w/GUY DAVIS
1/11 - Timonium, MD[7] w/CHRISTINE LAVIN
1/12 - Richmond, VA
Then look at this video of Herb Gardner - yes, of Red Molly’s Abbie Gardner’s paternal parentage, working out a part on Cousin Shelly’s Station Wagon in the studio.
Murdered it. All I could have wanted. Why, hell yes, he played trombone too! Frankly, I worked him silly. When I asked part way through the session if he was dong OK he says “...this is what keeps me alive…”
He’s 80. I adore this man...
His trombone parts on two of the songs were straight J.J. Johnson style solo blowing and a little call/response - you can guess on which tunes - Zombie Pattycake of course, and on Another Good Day Above Ground, where it’s Chris Smither playing guitar!!!
Then on a whim I had him play a funk line on Trust - like a Tower Of Power repeated line thing. It was fast and kinda hot, and I figured I’d edit it down in the time we had left so it wasn't quite such a challenge. My stupid ageist - but I’d rather say protective - ass…he killed it, DOUBLED the line in one pass, and then rearranged my idea so that the line double repeated at the end of the tune.
Some friggin folk album. It’s starting in places to sound like… Earth Wind & Seeger.
Kool & The Guthrie.
Peter, Paul, Mary, Rufus & Chaka Khan.
Parliament Folkadelic
Above Average Somewhat Acoustic Mostly White Band
I could go on…
Still the donor door is open: for PayPal
Vancefunder, P.O. Box 17, Arlington, MA 02474
That’s what’s happening to your money, VanceFunder Donators...Sorry.
Ok, Not really sorry.
ps - Herb may join me at Club Passim 1/4/19 for the evening - seriously...who wouldn't want Goodbye Pluto on trombone??
- CT, RI, and NJ shows, and More of Vance's Masonry skills...
- Vance is in Timonium, Richmond, and Thinks About Stuff.
- New Year Vance Shows, and Brain Stuff...
- Happy New-PassimCambridgeAlmostSoldOut-Year, Then look out NY, VA, and MD
- Vance = Concert Window, Florida, Passim, MD, NY
- Vance is in YOUR HOUSE NEXT TUESDAY, then Florida, then Club Passim, then...
- NYC Area - Vance at the Turning Point Saturday 12/8/18
- Vance does a Brief New England Sweep, then Florida!
- Vancefan - Last MA Show of the Year!!
- Here's some routing - Texas, Oklahoma, then Shirley MA - who IS my agent, anyway?
- Vance comes to the Carolinas, Dallas, Oklahoma