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Vance Gilbert <=
body style=3D"color: black; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line=
-height: 1=2E5; text-align: left; font-family:verdana,sans-serif; back=
ground-color: #EFEDEA; background-image: url(http://vancegilbert=2Ecom=
Vance Gilberrette - Le Church =20= du Chocolatte, MaineHi All, Moi=2E I'm so glad that I never forgot my high =20=
school French: F=
riday Oct 24th, Bath ME <=
div style=3D"margin:0px;font-size:12px;font-family:Palatino;color:rgb(=
0,115,22)">798 Washington StreetThe Chocolate Church Bath, ME 04530 ——&=
Deidre, Martyn, Pat, Clara, RentBeep (? gimmie a name so I c=
an put it on the cover…), Joe ( awesome cool, as you are my nei=
ghbor/close friend and your children did photography for the last albu=
m), Nancy=2E …Thanks=2E World's Lazies= t Fundraiser: Here's how to give to the WLF (acronym =20=
for World's Laziest Fundraiser - so lazy it needed an acronym) 1) Paypa=
l payment to rubberscaleairlinerboy@gmail=2Ecom 2) Email to vance@vancegilbert=2Ecom for my office add=
ress to send a check, made out to me - Vance Gilbert  =
; 3)=
Gimme cash or a check when you see me Suggested donati=
on - I don't care=2E A dollar=2E Five, ten dollars=2E A th=
ousand dollars=2E I don't care=2E You get:<=
/div> 1) Your name on the album=2E Period=2E Alphabetically=2E N=
o matter what you give=2E Totally Socialist like=2E But yeah, your nam=
e or someone else's in their memory=2E =
div> 2) A =20=
free download and/or a CD, when I see you=2E Or I'll mail a CD if=
you request it…maybe even a thumb drive with the CD on it=2E=2E=
=2E The album and how it'll sound: Guitar, Vocal - me  =
; For The Good Times <=
em>Moonlight In Vermont When Sunny Gets Blue Prelude To A Ki=
ss (tough tune - hope I can get it to work…Love me some Du=
ke Ellington=2E=2E) Ain't Misbehaving I'll Buy You A Star=
div> W=
eaver Of Dreams Again Dindi (just added, probably)=
b> I may switch up between the classical guitar and the=
steel string…late night, background music, Nora Jones meets Mi=
les Davis meets Pete Seeger kinda feel=2E Ok, that's weird, but I=
swear it's like that=2E=2E=2EI swear=2E=2E=2E ———&=
mdash;— New blog all up in here, plus more gigs f=
urther down the road=2E=2E=2Ewww=2Evancegilbert=2Ecom <=
/div> You =20=
can see where else I'll be come the future too!  =
; He=
re's a link to a batch of Fugitive Rewinds - too much fun with th=
e phone video recorder=2E Enjoy: Peace all y'all |
EVENTS:October 2014Friday, October 24th 7:30pmThe Chocola= te Church The Chocolate Church Ba= th ME Call 207-442-8455 for more details November 2014Saturday, November 15= th 8:00pmAll Saints Episcopal Church Scotch Plains NJ Ca= ll 908-899-1776 for more details Friday, Novembe= r 21st 8:00pm West End Cultural Centre Winnipeg MB Canada Ca= ll 204-783-6918 for more details |